
Welcome to the site of the meeting :

Domestication of rainwater in Mediterranean basin and community involvement

It's a meeting relating to the project:

  Traditional rainwater harvesting system: a sustainable solution for a non-urban population in the Mediterranean basin (STORMER)

This project was Amorce 2017 (LabexMed ) winner


the Conference will be held  in May 28th and 29the 2018


Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme – Aix-en-Provence

Salle (coming)


This meeting aims to bring together researchers working in the world of water management, cultural heritage management, and sustainable development, to lead a collective reflection around ancient and traditional hydraulic systems and social construction. If the issue of water is treated by all disciplines, the theme of the STORMER project proposes a diachronic and interdisciplinary approach of human-environment relationship very specific to the Mediterranean basin that has produced practices and beliefs that sometimes have different aspects but have common essences. The Mediterranean "climate stress" is the creative impulse that has led over the centuries to the implementation of ingenious systems whose exploitation was regulated by the communities.

The exchange between archaeologists, geographers, geologists, hydrology engineers and historians working on human strategies to adapt to a very arid environment helps to shed light on this subject that crystallize the work of all disciplines.

This meeting proposes to question:

  1. The diversity of devices, material and immaterial, that societies have put in place through their history to cope with drought: rainwater harvesting facilities, sacred investments in these developments and popular beliefs in connection with the environment (language, religion).
  2. The socio-economic construction around hydraulic schemes, delimitation of territories, regulation of access and exploitation.
  3. The conflicts and political issues related to popular water structures

Speakers from different fields will participate in this event.


  • LabexMed, Aix-en-Provence
  • Institut de Recherches et d'Études sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (IREMAM-UMR 7310)
  • Université de Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
  • Service de Coopération et d'Actions culturelles  de l'Ambassade de France à Rabat (Maroc)



In order to register and submit your titles and abstracts, you must create an account (on the right side of the screen).


Saba Farès : STORMER project co-initiator, Professor of Languages and History of pre-islamic Arabia - Université de Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Annabelle Gallin : Projects Manager of LabexMed Researche porgrams - Aix-en-Provence

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